9th Annual Celtic Calling Gathering - February 26th - March 2nd

From February 26, 2025 - 03:00 PM
to March 02, 2025 - 03:00 PM



The 9th Celtic Calling Gathering takes place in venues around Charleston WV between Wednesday February 26th and Sunday March 2nd, 2025. Celtic Calling offers a full spectrum of Music, Dance, Theater, Sporting and Celtic Heritage and Cultural Events.

Events are still being planned and the full schedule will be posted in the new year. Some things to look forward to, but expect more excitement to be added.

Wednesday, February 26th
Children's Craft and Story Book Activities start today and continue throughout, with special programing on the weekend. Adult Programming on all dates TBA: Kanawha County Public Library, 123 Capitol Street - FREE
6-8pm: Acoustic Music Jam Session/Jam - The Bears Den, 405 Capitol Street - FREE This popular weekly session plays more 'celtic tunes' this night.

Thursday, February 27th
7.30pm: Film - Usually the first screening of this years film that will play at different times at the: Floralee Hark Cohen Cinema by WVIFF, 230 Capitol Street -- Admission - $12 Adults, $5 Students. Tickets in advance at: https://www.wviff.org/floraleeharkcohen/

Friday, February 28th
7-10pm: 7-10pm: Celtic Ceilidh or Ceili
Music by Morgantown's 'The Mudlarks'. Kanawha United Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, in rear of Church, 1009 Virginia Street East, or enter adjacent Parking from Kanawha Boulevard - Admission - $5-10; Children under 10 Free.
7 30- 9 30pm: Music at Taylor Books, 226 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV 25301 – FREE

Saturday March 1st
9am: 5K Kilt Run and 2K Walk, Spring Hill Cemetery Park and Arboretum, Sign up: https://runsignup.com/.../CelticCallingFriendsOfSpringHil...
Downtown Charleston Venues: All Events FREE unless indicated:
4pm: Capitol Street Celtic Calling PARADE- Lee Street Triangle to Kanawha Blvd - Pipe Bands, Dancers, Loch Ness Monster, St Patrick, Unicorns, Clans. This is a walking parade for individuals and organizations who take pride in their Celtic heritage. If you would like to participate in the Parade please send an email to: [email protected]
10am- 3 45pm: Celtic Village- City Center at Slack Plaza, 169, Summers Street. including:
Clan Tents, Craft Vendors, Food Trucks Children's Crafts and Games, Dog Show, Pageant and crowning of Gathering Chieftain, Chieftainess, Clansman and Lady, Lad and Lassie, Music and Dance from stage.

Are you a crafter, or artist who wants to be a vendor. Use this form to apply by Dec. 31st: https://docs.google.com/.../1IMOKVw.../viewform...
If you are a Clan please send your information to: [email protected]

Rock City Cake Company: 205 Capitol Street.
Music and Dance Stage, throughout the day.
4.30pm: The Charleston Rogues Famous Happy Hour - The Blue Parrot, 14 ½ Capitol Street - $5
7 30pm: FOOTMAD Presents: The Jeremiah's from Ireland. Capitol Theater, Resurrection Church., Ticket information: FOOTMAD.org or Info: 304-729-4382
7 30-9:30pm: Music at Taylor Books, 226 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV 25301 – FREE
10 pm: Traditional Celtic Music Session- Adelphia Sports Bar, 218 Capitol St. -FREE

Sunday March 2nd
11am: Kirkin of the Tartans, Kanawha United Presbyterian Church, 1009 Virginia Street East
2 pm: Team Irish Road Bowling at Kanawha State Forest – Registration from 1 30pm- Kanawha State Forest – FREE
4pm: Celtic Readers Theatre--5 plays , Stage Readings of 5 Top Playwright Competition Entries. For competition details, deadline in January, playwrights should email: [email protected]
Submisssion link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1108767360808909?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22user_timeline%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22your_upcoming_events_unit%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS in 2024. (If you would like to support the Gathering in 2025 please send an email to: [email protected])
Home Page Sponsor: $2000
Beattie Firth Realty
Hearth Sponsor: $1000
West Virginia Lottery
Circle Sponsor: $500
Brewer & Company of West Virginia Inc
Thomas T. Kirk
Market Sponsor: $250
In addition this project is was greatly assisted by the West Virginia Department of Arts and Culture and received support from National Fund for the Arts Grant Funding