Top8 - 02/03/25

February 02, 2025 - 10:39 AM

It's February. I'm sick. Everyone is sick. Everyone is tired. The world is on fire. I don't know what to tell you. Here's some music.

Send hope to

Viagra Boys - Man Made of Meat

Is there a better post punk rock band in the world than Viagra Boys? Well, not that long ago, you could have made a strong argument for either Idles or Fontaines DC. Now though? The last Fontaines DC record, Romance, was pretty good, but a huge step down from Skinty Fia or A Hero's Death. And the last Idles album was as boring as V100 at 2 pm on a Tuesday. Recent times have found once rousing and interesting bands take turns for the "mature" and "well rounded" effort. Usually with some genuine idiot like Kenny Beats. My friend, if your band ever gets a chance to record with a guy who takes as his last name some bullshit allusion to his vocation, run in the opposite direction. Did George Martin change his last name to "String Arrangement"? No. No he did not.

Which brings us to Viagra Boys. Facing a tide turning against edgy and cool music in favor of something that sounds like an album U2 wouldn't have bothered putting on your iPhone, the boys from Stockholm have held the line and given us a song with references to internet foot fetishes and your mom's OnlyFans. Thank god. Keep the faith, gentlemen.

Sleigh Bells - Wanna Start a Band?

Sleigh Bells plays a pretty important role in the Emily Beane musical origin story. I distinctly remember the first time I heard the band. 2010's "Treats" and 2012's "Reign of Terror" remain the gold standard for intentionally ugly and distorted boombox aesthetic 2010's rock. Hell, when "Infinity Guitars" came out, there was nothing out there like it (to this day, if you want a song to crash your car to, check that one out.)

Here's the thing though, as hard as it is to accept, 2010 was **checks notes** uh, apparently fifteen years ago. In related news, it's probably time to schedule a mammogram. Tell 'em Emily sent you and remember not to wear any deodorant, it gums up the side of the machine. So, anyway, is "Wanna Start a Band?" good? Let me tell you, I sprained my neck headbanging. Don't miss the return of one of my all time favorites.

Benjamin Booker - Pompeii Statues

When I saw "Pompeii Statues" I thought, "oh, sweet, the dude who did "Violent Shiver" has a new track. Maybe it will hit like that one." Well, hit it does, but it is a totally different way. This is the sort of single that got me to listen to the whole new album, "Lower", and I have to say, Benjamin Booker may have an early contender for album of the year. The album is soaked in the ugliness of race in America and generational trauma. Yet, it's also so covered in beautiful moments. The intro to "Pompeii Statues" sounds like a place way outside of town where indie rock like the Shins crosses with something like the soul of Michael Kiwanuka. Booker does still show up with some absolutely speaker-wrecking guitar sounds on this one, as well as quiet but intense tracks like the introspective "Slow Dance in a Gay Bar". This album is absolutely not one to be missed.

Michael Cera Palin - Wisteria

If you've never heard Michael Cera Palin, you should check them out just for the name. This is emo by way of punk acts like Pup or RVIVR. Extremely catchy music with extremely sad lyrics. If I had a band, I'd want them to sound like Lambrini Girls. But the truth is they would probably sound like Michael Cera Palin. And that's still pretty damn cool.

Oliva Kaplan & Hand Habits - Birds

"Birds" is sad, slow, quiet folk from people who make sad, slow, quiet folk, for people who love sad, slow, quiet folk. A song where the vocalist entones "it's over, it's over, it's over" is probably going to get me. Yeah, it's me. I am people.

Dutch Interior - Fourth Street

A couple years ago, we remembered that we liked a little twang in our big barroom guitars. I mean, you all did. I always knew that. Anyway, Dutch Interior's new one "Fourth Street" delivers a really quality track absolutely soaked in that sorta MJ Lenderman-adjacent vibe. I will always say more like this.

Lilly Hiatt - Man

I got to tell you, when Lilly Hiatt released "Trinity Lane" back in 2017, I was ready for her to be the new Lucinda Williams. Somewhere after that, the albums kinda lost the thread. Maybe it was just me. In any event, the new single "Man" is a real return to form. There's Hiatt's fuzzy, slightly stoned sounding vocal. There's a little steel or slide or something happening. There's a sort of drunken sway that makes me think of AM era Wilco. I love this and I am so glad to have another album from Lilly Hiatt that works this well. Also check out the other single, "Kwik-E-Mart".

Slag Genie - Across Your Mother

Slag Genie is one of those hippie freakout bands like the Oh Sees or Moon Duo. "Across Your Mother" is the sort of echoey, noisy trip I am usually ready to go on. Someone in this band still knows where to buy real acid. Groovy.

And this week's extra innings, just a few other things I am listening to.

Philip Glass & Paul Leonard-Morgan - Gaddis is Happy

Frank Ocean - Nikes

R.E.M - Imitation of Life

And a playlist with everything.

Thank you for reading and listening.
